Important Factors Which Increase Ranking In Google Search Engine

Online marketing is the hot new trend in making your brand more visible as it takes next to nothing to set up a website for your start up or established business, but with such a innumerable amount of companies already in waiting to get on top how would you ensure that your products takes the cake when it comes to being the start of Google ranking. Apparently Google uses around 200 factors to determine their ranking which seems like an intimidating figure if you are new to the game but fear not!! As there are simple SEO ranking techniques which would ensure that your website takes the crown.

  1. Quality Content Should Be The Top Priority: when it comes to raking a website things have taken a huge shift as the content is given huge importance therefore if you have good quality content displayed on your page then it would not only lead to the visitor’s satisfaction but Google would reward you for your website. The content should be relatable to the product you are endorsing as well as sharable.
  1. Create an Engaging Brand Image: when you are developing your company online keep in mind that you develop a brand and not merely a website. The brand would facilitate in engaging people and it would also decrease the bounce-back rate which means a user left after viewing the first page itself this plays a vital role in the Google ranking, therefore, it is best to create internal links which are content-related and engaging which would promote your brand and make users experience worthwhile.
  1. Design A Mobile Friendly Website: Nowadays access to the internet is not restricted to computers but new devices such as mobiles; tablets etc have paved way for influencing Google ranking. Responsive web design is the way to go as it delivers existing content automatically to distinct devices and sizes while retaining the same URL. A mobile-friendly website should have a low load time as it would enhance the visitor’s experience and make your content accessible to all devices.
  1. Business Location The Stamp Of Approval: When it comes to SEO Ranking new techniques keep emerging and therefore local SEO has emerged techniques like local business listing services that make a colossal impact in the ranking. With Google introducing us to pigeon in 2014 more emphasis has been put on the location as a fake location would bring down the ranking by a huge margin, therefore, adding a legitimate location would definitely improve the ranking of your website.

Therefore these are some recommendations which should be kept in mind as well as on the parameters upon which the ranking is based are changing rapidly with an equal amount of focus on the content; Search engines are becoming more astute with creating the ranking. Therefore it is essential that you should create a website which would have high quality and well-crafted content to satisfy the viewer and make Google recognize it and reward you.

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